Subtitle/Mission/Subsystem Name
Version: D0X (for drafts) / I0X (when issued, i.e., already listed)
Reviewed by:
Review date: xx/xx/2025
Review status: ❌TO-DO 🔧DRAFT
Use this template to start gathering information prior to a new planned study and during the facilitation of concurrent design sessions. For this, duplicate this page and add it to the Previous CE Studies list. For reference on how to fill the different sections of the report, check the DUMBO mission study report.
In the 'Page' tab, make sure to add a short description and tags representative of key features of the study.
Avoid as much as possible duplicating information between sections.
The executive summary must be a standalone, self-explanatory section of the report.
[Write here a short abstract describing the context of this study.]
The following contains all the relevant informating resulting from this study, from the context and mission objectives to lessons learned. For this edition, a space sustainability role has been added to the team.
For a list of terms and acronyms often used, check the Glossary section.
[Add mission patch here]
This study was performed at eSpace Concurrent Design Facility by the following team:
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Name LastName | EPFL | Attitude & Orbit Control (AOC) |
Name LastName | EPFL | Communications & Data Handling (CDH) |
Name LastName | EPFL | [Add as many disciplines as required] |
Under the responsibility of:
Mathieu Udriot, EPFL Space Center, Study Coordinator
Marnix Verkammen, EPFL Space Center
With the technical support of:
Christian Cardinaux, EPFL Space Center, Systems Engineering Support
Stephan Hellmich, EPFL Space Center, Study acting customer
Andrew Price, EPFL Space Center, Study acting customer
Candice Norhadian, EPFL Space Center, Logistics & Admin Support
[Describe here how this study came about]
[Write here a short paragraph on the objective of the mission/system to be designed]
[Describe the scope of the mission/system to be designed]
[The executive summary is a brief compilation of the most relevant aspects of the study]
[Expand on the objectives of the study]
[Describe here main mission and system requirements as defined prior to the study]
Ref | Requirement |
E.g.: MIS-M-001 | E.g.: The mission shall use Ariane 6 or Vega-C |
[Describe here main mission and system requirements design drivers and constraints prior to the study]
[Summarize here the outcome of the study]
Expand here on the results of the study. Create one subsection per subsystem/discipline. Each subsection shall follow the same structure: 1)list of flowed-down subsystem requirements (what the subsystem needs to do and how well). 2)tradeoffs and justifications, and 3)results
[Some sections are written below as a refence]
Usually takes care of (from ESA CEC 2022, "Mission Overview and Requirements"):
- Define the orbit and transfers of the spacecraft
- Define delta v over lifetime
- Calculate ground station contact time
- Calculate eclipse duration
- (End of life)
Usually takes care of (from ESA CEC 2022, "Mission Overview and Requirements"):
- Create the configuration of the spacecraft
- Define the location of the equipment in the satellite
- Determine the MoI and CoG
Usually takes care of (from ESA CEC 2022, "Mission Overview and Requirements"):
- Define the structures depending on the configuration
- Estimate the structural mass and the loads
- Separation mechanisms for companion spacecraft
- SA drive mechanisms
- Identify if further mechanisms are needed
Usually takes care of (from ESA CEC 2022, "Mission Overview and Requirements"):
- Propulsion system
- Actuators for attitude control
- Based on wet/dry mass
Usually takes care of (from ESA CEC 2022, "Mission Overview and Requirements"):
- Choose equipment based on required pointing and rotation rate requirements and thrust/ delta v requirements (Star Trackers, Reaction wheels, Thrusters, Navigation camera, ...)
Usually takes care of (from ESA CEC 2022, "Mission Overview and Requirements"):
- Define the equipment needed based on the data rates needed for ground station contact and ISL (Antenna, S band, P band, Inter satellite link, Mass Memory)
- Define the OBDH hardware needed.
Usually takes care of (from ESA CEC 2022, "Mission Overview and Requirements"):
- Design equipment based on the total power budget in the satellite (Solar array, Battery (primary, secondary), PCDU)
- Power budget to be made with systems team
Usually takes care of (from ESA CEC 2022, "Mission Overview and Requirements"):
- Define the thermal equipment and help configuration with the placement of equipment with difficult thermal requirement (MLI, Heaters, Paint)
Usually assess space debris risks and environemental impacts on Earth. Can use many methods such as simplified LCA, tools and softwares to compute collision risks, etc. Find more info on the Space Center wiki
Usually takes care of (from ESA CEC 2022, "Mission Overview and Requirements"):
- Support the other disciplines with their design
- Check the assumptions of the other disciplines
- Check the consistency of the system
- Create mass budget
- Support power budget
- Define the mission phases and system modes (plenary)
- Check the subsystems requirements
[Summarize system level budgets in the table below]
Subsystem | Mass [kg] | Contingency [%] | Mass w/ contingency |
Thermal | 50 | 16,7 | |
Payload | 20 | ||
Power | 40 | ||
Propulsion | 15 | ||
Structure & mechanisms | 20 | ||
CDHS | 20 | ||
AOCS | 10 |
Based on the scope of the study, other sections shall be added to the report including: customers' specifications, specific payloads, ground segment, operations, AIV, risk assessment, costs, etc.
[Write here about how the study went, issues and challenges you encountered, how (logistical, ops, technical) problems were solved, warnings about results (what still needs to be investigated deeper, where broad assumptions where made, what were some critical trade-offs impacting the whole design), recommendations for follow-up studies (what to do next),etc.]
[This section could also contain a summary of lessons learned]
For general lessons learned about concurrent engineering, go to the useful_tips page (accessible to eSpace staff only).
[To complete during and at the end of the study: add below all technical lessons learned associated with the different disciplines/subsections]